Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Press Quotes/Analyzation Notes

"Ordinary romances...take on an element of enchantment."
- I think this is something to keep in mind. Though the stories need to remaind "real" they possess a certain sense of mysticisim.

"Most romantic comedies seem rather more of the same, but ALMOST, MAINE is not like most romantic comedies."
-This quotation goes along with Cariani's whole I-don't-want-this-play-to-be-cute mentality. Nothing in the show is "precious"...it's honest and beautiful.

"It's what happens to your heart when the stars fall."
-This is so eloquently worded. I can't help but think that whomever wrote this was truly touched by the play. There is no way to describe what your heart feels like when stars fall, just like there is no way to describe this play.

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