Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hello Cast, Etc.

Here's to the first post! Hello DGS cast of "Almost, Maine"!! This blog will serve as a comprehensive database of sorts for this fabulous production process. I'll be posting pictures, articles, reviews, etc. pertaining to the show. Feel free to comment as you see fit and give me loads of suggestions. I won't put my contact information here for privacy reasons, but I'm Colleen DeRosa and you guys pretty much know where to find me. Plus I will be attending as many rehearsals as possible. I've created this blog from a dramaturgical (I think I just made up that words...oh well) standpoint and hope it benefits this exciting process. Ideas? Send them my way via facebook, e-mail, text, call, you name it. But enough introductory information. It's time to post!!

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